| LinkedIn Network Updates, Apr 24 - May 1 | |  | | | | | Reema Bashir face book is a FACIST SITE.BOYCOTT FACEBOOK.LONG LIVE LINKEDIN. | Updates from Your Extended Network Connect with them to see what they're up to | | | | Dinah Madiadipura A Tale of Two of Indonesia's State-Owned Base Metal Producers http://t.co/VSgRHxR4 -- The Jakarta Globe (@thejakartaglobe) | | | fitri ganteaume House for Rent Jakarta please visit our Website www.french-indonesia.com | | | Global Balonku Butuh balon promosii....??? langsung hubungi Global Balonku produksi langsung telp. 021-51262119, Hp. 085216476079, 087887654079 | | | Global Balonku Nah ini dia Balon Stick Bahan PVC logo Avia Tour, atau balon kotak yang di press satu kali di bawahnya di pakai stick dan cup balon. ayo promosikan event anda dengan mengunakan balon seperti Avia Tour. hubungi kami global... | | | | | etti mei Becoming successful by changing the habits of customers is at the core of many successful brands. In his book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg explains how Claude Hopkins, the genius behind Pepsodent, achieved success a century ago by convincing people to brush every morning. Brushing every morning means buying more Pepsodent. In this realignment of habits lies innovation. Firms who discover a niche way to change habits — and who make their own products an essential element of the new habit — are the ones who will survive and grow. What habit is your own business reshaping? smile, etti mei | | | | | |
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