| LinkedIn Network Updates, Dec 11 - Dec 18 | |  | | | Updates from Your Extended Network Connect with them to see what they're up to | | | | Purnama Anaking It’s official: Europe is fast approaching a point at which broadband is becoming ubiquitous among consumers, and with it is coming a surge of popularity for online news, social media, and e-commerce. Today the European Commission released details for how different European countries are adopting broadband, and what they are using it for. The top-line figures: in 2012 72% of households now have a broadband connection. And in a survey of what it is that people do online, the most popular activity is newsreading, at 60%. The stats were released as Neelie Kroes, the VP of the European Commissi... | | | cherry bell Do not accept diseases, pain and fat gain that most doctors shrug off as just getting old. | The Future Of Health Now Do not accept diseases, pain and fat gain that most doctors shrug off as just getting old. The Future Of Health Now Features Experts In Health & Fitness. Refuse To Accept Disease, Pain And Fat Gain That Most Doctors Shrug Off... | | | | | hesti ulfatulummah http://goo.gl/ar2YK | | | Obat Alami batu ginjal Penderita penyakit batu ginjal di Indonesia cukuplah tinggi jumlahnya oleh sebab itu kami hadirkan obat alami ACE MAXS yang merupakan Obat Alami Batu Ginjal yang cepat tepat dan tanpa efek samping karena terbuat dari 100%... | | | | | Hendry Ahmad Al Amin http://lnkd.in/ZG-GW5 | | | Harga Minyak Mentah Indonesia Turun Harga Minyak Mentah Indonesia Turun BANGKAPOS.COM, JAKARTA - Harga rata-rata minyak mentah Indonesia pada November 2012 mencapai 106,68 dollar AS per barrel atau turun 3,18 dollar AS dari bulan sebelumnya. Hal ini seiring... | | | | | | | |
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