| LinkedIn Network Updates, Jan 8 - Jan 15 | |  | | | Updates from Your Extended Network Connect with them to see what they're up to | | | | Djoko Soesatyo Soeparto Absolutely agree, ...believe if serious and confidence, we can achieving some target succesfully. | | | Kerja NGO KINERJA Project, a local governance program funded by USAID focusing on providing service delivery in the areas education, health and economic services is currently looking for Papua Program Manager according to the scope of work below. Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications to apujiastuti@kinerja.or.id apujiastuti@kinerja.or.id> not later than January 24, 2013 indicating the reference subject. All candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the application letter. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.Duration of P... | | | Papua Program Manager - KINERJA - Jayapura KINERJA Project, a local governance program funded by USAID focusing on providing service delivery in the areas education, health and economic services is currently looking for Papua Program Manager according to the scope of... | | | | | Indah Mahlati LONDON, (PRLM).-Betapa enaknya saat tidur menghasilkan uang. Ini terjadi pada Lee Hadwin (37), pelukis asal London. Semua lukisannya yang bulan depan akan dilego via Ebay senilai Rp 10 triliun itu, tercipta saat dirinya terlelap. Seperti dilaporkan laman Daily Mirro, Selasa (15/1), Hadwin mengaku, sering tidak sadar saat proses kreatifitasnya itu terjadi. read more | Sambil Tidur pun Hasilkan Uang LONDON, (PRLM).-Betapa enaknya saat tidur menghasilkan uang. Ini terjadi pada Lee Hadwin (37), pelukis asal London. Semua lukisannya yang bulan depan akan dilego via Ebay senilai Rp 10 triliun itu, tercipta saat dirinya terlelap. | | | | | | | |
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